Brett Hickman

Programmer - Designer - Creator


About Me

As a developer with a major in computer science, I am eager to work with a team of creative individuals to develop innovative solutions in the fields of animation, AI, interactive entertainment, VR, AR, and graphic design. I am highly motivated to secure a job or internship with a technology company that values collaboration and fosters a culture of creativity.

Brett Hickman


June 18, 2023


As a lover of both music and programming, I ventured out to create my own rhythm game. This game offers a unique style of gameplay that utilizes every aspect of a controller!

March 24, 2023


A Top-Down 2D shooter where two teams fight each other to advance in a tournament-style online game. Each player spawns with the same weapon and whichever team is last standing wins that round. Games go on for a best of 5 rounds to see who advances.

June 15, 2023

Procedural Animation

I decided to teach myself procedural animation. I made spiders that can procedurally walk by themselves using the F.A.B.R.I.K algorithm. All done with C++ and OpenGl

July 10, 2022


Experience is a small expressive game made in 10 weeks about the process of trying to improve at something. The game involves walking through various environments which evoke feelings like those experienced when learning something new.

Febuary 5, 2023


The Theme for Global Game Jam 2023 was Roots. I made a game about root within 48 hours with a few of my colleagues called Rootscaped.

May 4, 2023


The Theme for Ludum Dare 53 was Delivery. I made a game about joke delivery within 48 hours with a few of my colleagues called Robolol. Robolol is a party game in which players compete to tell the best joke to the audience.